Artist Statement

When I first began exploring portrait photography, it quickly became clear that developing an emotional connection with my subject is paramount in achieving the outcome I have in mind. I try to have a real conversation with my subjects and get them talking, only picking up my camera when it feels as though a flow has been established between myself and the subject. 

I have predominantly used a Canon DSLR, but also a point and shoot Leica. I have also explored film photography and I plan to expand my equipment repertoire over the coming year. I use Adobe software in post production to achieve my final images. 

     In 2016 I realized what it truly meant to be a woman in the US. This sparked a chain of choices that led me to the realization of wanting to be a birthworker, and it made sense to pair that with my work as a photographer. 

Currently, I am exploring themes of femininity in its different forms. I really want to be able to capture human emotion and expression, people living their lives, in their own little world, and really finding the beauty in those in-between moments. I want people to really see the beauty that they express to the world. Every single person on this planet deserves to feel beautiful and special, and I want to help facilitate that in the small ways that I can. 

  All in all, my work aims to share the expressions of beauty and intimacy throughout people's lives.